Welcome to my site.
First off, two questions…
If you answered yes to either (or both) of them, you’re in the right place.
My approach can be summed up in three words: Localities. Sustainabilities. Transformations – LST. Making these words meaningful with the complexities ‘on the ground’ is where I focus. Communities are lead actors in shaping sustainable and resilient futures and transformations to these futures are possible through creative collaboration where we all have a part to play. Ultimately, local transformations ripple out to wider transformations and diverse options for sustainable futures beyond the local. You’ll see the importance of LST throughout my work, practice and education.
Under the LST banner, you can find:
What’s the foundation for all this? I call it Conversations with Communities (CwC). Conversations are ways we all share experiences, toss ideas around and learn. Communities and their localities, such as landscapes, are inter-dependent so our conversations are a collaboration with a community and a locality – a collaboration that reflects social, economic, political, cultural, historical and natural processes. Having conversations with people uncovers the links between sustainable, resilient localities and sustainable, resilient communities. Because conversations are two-way, we also get to reflect on our own ideas, actions and travels with others.
Ever since I started working with communities using the LST framework, I’ve focused on sharing experiences and ideas. My work continually reminds me that there are no simple blueprints for change, just complexities to navigate. Recognising this and sharing experiences and ideas allows us to understand more about these complexities and work a way through them to ensure LST outcomes – we get beyond the blueprint.
I’ve been working as a professional social scientist for 30+ years in various places around the world, but in particular Australia and the Asian region. My bottom line has taken me to forests, mountains, the great rivers of South Asia, wetlands, seascapes, deserts and urban neighbourhoods. I’ve worked with communities in conserving and protecting their forests, their efforts in protecting endangered species (mostly tigers), in their contributions to national park management and their initiatives in welcoming travellers into their homes, communities and landscapes. My start and end point? People.
I’ve been fortunate to have worked with amazing young people, women and men who have contributed to the sustainability of their communities, their landscapes and our futures. They are important reminders that, given opportunities, we are all able to engage with issues of sustainability and sustainable landscapes – we all have contributions to make.
Have a look around my site and get in touch. You can get in touch/stay in touch a few different ways. You can join the LST Collaboration Hub via the ‘LST Collaboration’ page. Or you can follow me on insta, where I use #LSTpeopleandplace, #LSTconversationswithcommunities and #LSTcommunitiesandresilience for posts specifically focused on communities and landscapes.
It’d be great to start some conversations.